It’s hard for me to pinpoint exactly when I started having health issues because it feels like I’ve had it forever. I want to say it was around after graduating college when I started having some symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which included bloating (I seriously looked pregnant sometimes), extreme fatigue, and constant irritability and anxiety.
For the next 8 years, my symptoms continuously worsened and I visited several doctors who put me through series of tests, but couldn’t figure it out and just labeled it as IBS. What the heck does that mean? What’s the cause of it? Some responses from these doctors include: Blank stare, change the subject, or “It’s genetic.” And the best one yet, “It just happens to some people.” I really do appreciate western doctors and all they do, but it truly shows the frustrating reality of what a tiny role nutrition has in the field of modern medicine. At a certain point, I started accepting that this was the way I would be for the rest of my life.
Throughout all this, I was eating in a way that I thought was “healthy” which meant following the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) of low-fat, high-carb, high-sugar, and highly processed foods. When I was about 25, I started learning about food allergies, and through self-experimentation and trial-and-error. I figured out that I have gluten and cow-dairy intolerances. It wasn’t long after that that I found out about what a huge effect the quality of our food can have on our health through the wonderful world of the interwebs, and it changed the way I view food, my body, and health forever.
Since then, I have incorporated a real food approach to my diet with high quality ingredients, while also prioritizing sleep and stress management. Quality fat is my new best friend. Gluten sometimes creeps in, but is no longer invited in my kitchen. My symptoms are mostly gone and my energy has skyrocketed. You can say I’m now a much happier and likable person to those around me. While I still struggle with minor adrenal fatigue and some Candida issues, I’m on a wonderful path to recovery and I’m continuously educating myself with ways to heal myself and others.
You probably have heard stories like mine before, which shows how common it is for people to suffer from symptoms that come from their diet and lifestyle. My own journey has inspired me to help others find their best selves, and this passion led me to find a career as a Nutritional Therapist. It can be a truly rewarding experience when you realize that you can improve your health through changes in your life that YOU have control over. How awesomely empowering is that? I think everyone deserves to experience that, and you can!
If you are interested in my nutritional consulting service, read more here!